Jeanne Cossart
F, b. 2 November 1629, d. after March 1688
- Charts: Descendants of Thomas Cossart
- Jeanne Cossart was born on 2 November 1629 in Rouen, France.
- She was the daughter of Pierre Cossart Third and Marie Baudouyn.
- Jeanne Cossart died after March 1688 possibly in Holland.
Jeanne Cossart Third
M, b. 1621, d. 9 November 1629
- Charts: Descendants of Thomas Cossart
- Jeanne Cossart Third was born in 1621 in Rouen, France.
- He was the son of Pierre Cossart Third and Marie Baudouyn.
- Jeanne Cossart Third died on 9 November 1629.
Jehan Cossart
M, b. 1530
- Charts: Descendants of Thomas Cossart
- Jehan Cossart was born in 1530.
- He was the son of Bourgeois Thomas Cossart Second and Anne Baillart.
Jehan Cossart
M, b. 1589
- Charts: Descendants of Thomas Cossart
- Jehan Cossart was baptized in 1589.
- He was the son of Bourgeois Laurent Cossart and Judith Conteux.
Sieur de Boscbestre Jehan Cossart
M, b. 1500, d. 1585
- Charts: Descendants of Thomas Cossart
- Sieur de Boscbestre Jehan Cossart was born in 1500 in Rouen, France.
- He was the son of Bourgeois Thomas Cossart First and Jehanne Fleury.
- At the age of 29 years, Sieur de Boscbestre Jehan Cossart married Jacquette Puchot, daughter of Nicholas Puchot, on 9 December 1529. Their descendants were the sole representatives of the Cossart name in Rouen upon the extenction of the male line of Jehan's brother Thomas second.
- Sieur de Boscbestre Jehan Cossart died in 1585 in Rouen, France.
- Jehan Cossart became a very wealthy man, adding to the already large fortune of his father. He died in Rouen at an advanced age in 1585. Of his seven sons, three forsook the Catholic religion of their parents and became Huguenots - Jacques, Jehan and Noel Jacques Cossart, third son, became the head of the Huguenot branch of the Cossart family in Rouen.
Children of Sieur de Boscbestre Jehan Cossart and Jacquette Puchot
- Noel Cossart+ b. 1530, d. 17 September 1572
- Guillaume Cossart Second b. 1532, d. 1611
- Marquerite Cossart b. 1534
- Marie Cossart Second b. 1536, d. 1 February 1598
- Jacques Cossart+ b. 1538, d. 7 March 1608/9
- Vincent Cossart b. 1540, d. after 1593
- Jehan Cossart Third b. 1542, d. after July 1577
- Laurence Cossart b. 1544, d. before 1611
- Anne Cossart Second b. 1546
- Jacqueline Cossart Second b. 1548
- Bourgeois Robert Cossart+ b. 1550, d. 1637
- Bourgeois Laurent Cossart+ b. 1552
Jehan Cossart Fourth
M, b. 1578
- Charts: Descendants of Thomas Cossart
- Jehan Cossart Fourth was born in 1578. He died in infancy.
- He was the son of Thomas Cossart the Third, Sueur de Franqueville and Jeanne de Bauquemare.
Jehan Cossart Third
M, b. 1542, d. after July 1577
- Charts: Descendants of Thomas Cossart
- Jehan Cossart Third was born in 1542 in Rouen, France.
- He was the son of Sieur de Boscbestre Jehan Cossart and Jacquette Puchot.
- In 1572 Jehan and Jacques visited Nice most likely to escape the religious intolerance of that year.
- He had joined the Huguenots but never married.
- Jehan Cossart Third died after July 1577.
Jehanne Cossart
M, b. 1550
- Charts: Descendants of Thomas Cossart
- Jehanne Cossart was born in 1550.
- He was the son of Bourgeois Thomas Cossart Second and Marie du Champ.
Jehanne Cossart Second
F, b. 1583, d. 29 August 1624
- Charts: Descendants of Thomas Cossart
- Jehanne Cossart Second was born in 1583 in Rouen, France.
- She was the daughter of Jacques Cossart and Marguerite Toustain.
- At the age of 25 years, Jehanne Cossart Second married Michel Le Sueur on 7 September 1608.
- Jehanne Cossart Second died on 29 August 1624. She died during a plaque.
Children of Jehanne Cossart Second and Michel Le Sueur
- Michel Le Sueur b. 1609, d. 1609
- Michel Le Sueur b. 1613, d. 1613
- Marie Le Sueur b. 1616, d. 1616
- Jeanne Le Sueur+ b. 1619
- Abraham Le Sueur b. 1623
Johannes Renatus Cossart
M, b. 27 February 1746
- Johannes Renatus Cossart was born on 27 February 1746 in Marionborn, Switzerland.
- He was the son of Heinrich Frederic Cossart and Amalia Faillard.
John Cossart 
M, b. 2 May 1869, d. 30 June 1934
- John Cossart was also known as Jack.
- He was born on 2 May 1869 in Toowoomba, Queensland.
- He was the son of John Cossart and Martha French.
- In the early 1890's Jack and his brother Harry ran a Firewood Depot at the corner of Neil and Russell streets in Toowoomba in partnership with their uncle David Cossart.
- John was the best man at the wedding of George Cossart and Minnie Maria Shaw on 5 June 1901 in Enoggera Terrace Presbyterian Church, Brisbane; An account of the wedding appeared in "The Brisbane Courier" on Friday 7 June 1901
MARRIAGE - Cossart-Shaw.
A very pretty and interesting wedding took place on Wednesday last in the Enoggera Terrace Presbyterian Church, the contracting parties being Mr. George Cossart, of Toowoomba, and Miss Minne M. Shaw, of Paddington, Brisbane. The Church was well filled with a large company of friends of both parties, and was very effectively decorated by the girl friends of the bride. A pretty marriage bell, suspended above the heads of the bridal party, was specially admired. The ceremony was performed by Rev. R. H. Roberts, the minister of the Church, assisted by Revs. J. Lundie, B.A., and A. G. Weller, of Toowoomba. The bride entered the Church leaning on the arm of her father, and was attended by four bridesmaids-namely, Miss Shaw, sister of bride, Miss Cossart, sister of the bride-groom, and Misses Gertie Shaw, and Bessie McNulty, nieces of the bride. The bride looked very charming in her handsome wedding costume. The dress was of soft, white silk, the skirt slightly trained, and arranged with a deep circular-tucked flounce, finished at the foot with very narrow frills; the bodice, which was in the bolero style, was finely tucked, the sleeves also tucked, and worn with a pretty fichu of crepe-de-chine, trimmed with silk Maltese lace; the swathed belt was fastened with a handsome pearl buckle, and the beautifully embroidered veil with a spray of orange blossoms.
Miss Emmeline Shaw, chief bridesmaid, wore a pretty cream silk zephyr gown, the tucked bodice contrasted with buttercup chiffon; her fancy straw hat was arranged with cream chiffon, buttercup,and roses. Miss Cossart, sister of the bridegroom, was in cream silk, voile, patented in stripes, the bodice yoked with cream satin and guipure, and a very becoming hat to harmonise. The two little nieces of the bride, Miss Gertie Shaw, and Miss Bessie McNulty, were frocked alike in pale-blue cashmere, and wore white leghorn hats. The bridesmaids carried shower bouquets; the two elder wore gold brooches and the two younger gold chain bangles, gifts of the bridegroom. All the flowers at the wedding were arranged by Mr. George Lothian, of Toowoomba.
At the conclusion of the ceremony, a large company of friends of the happy couple assembled at the Foresters' Hall, Paddington, where a sumptuous wedding breakfast was laid in Mr. David Webster's best style. The tables were ladened with the most tempting dainties, whilst the handsome bride cake gave a picturesque finish to a most inviting feast. The hall was nicely decorated by the hall-keeper, Mr. John Butters. Many appropriate mottos adorned the walls, the most prominent being that which extended right across the hall-the words of John Milton-" Marriage rightly understood gives to the tender and the good a paradise below." The usual wedding toasts were proposed and honoured. The Rev. Mr. Roberts, in proposing the health of the bride and bridegroom, told of the high esteem in which his young friends were held, and of the excellent service they had both rendered in the cause of God and temperance. He He wished them every happiness and godspeed in their new life. Mr.Cossart suitably replied. The health of the bridesmaids was proposed by Rev. Mr. Lundie, and responded to by Mr. John Cossart. That of the parents was entrusted to Rev. Mr. Weller, who, in a brief happy speech, told of the general esteem in which Mr. Cossart is held in Toowoomba, and paid a fitting tribute to the family of the bride, as old personal friends of his own. Mr. Cossart, sen., and Mr. .lames Shaw,sen., each replied in fitting terms. Before resuming his seat, Mr.. Shaw proposed the health of the ministers, which was replied to by Ret.Mr. Weller . This brought a highly enjoyable and interesting function to a close. In the afternoon a reception was held, and the many beautiful and useful presents inspected and admired. The bride and bridegroom left by the evening train for Wynnum for the honeymoon, after which they will reside in Toowoomba. - At the age of 32 years, 9 months and 3 days, John Cossart married Rosana Edith Garton Gough, daughter of George Gough and Harriet Hall, on 5 February 1902 in "Glencoe", Montague Road, Brisbane, Queensland. An account of the wedding appeared in "The Brisbane Courier" on 6 February 1902:- Cossart-Gough. The marriage of Mr. John Cossart (of Toowoomba.) to Miss Rosanna E. Gough, third daughter of Mr. George Gough, of Glencoe, Montague-road, took place yesterday at the residence of the bride's parents. The drawing room had been prettily decorated for the occasion with, white flowers and foliage, and a bridal bell of white flowers formed a conspicuous, feature in the decorations. The Rev. J. Lundie Presbyterian minister from Toowoomba, officiated, the bride being given away by her father.
The Bride's dress was a simple and tasteful costume of white grass lawn, the skirt being made with two circular flounces. The bodice was composed of tucked grass lawn and Maltese insertion with a deep circular collar, edged with Maltese lace. The toque was of white chiffon with two ostrich tips. A beautiful shower bouquet (the gift of the bridegroom) was carried by the bride. Miss Bella Cossart, the bridegroom's sister was chief bridesmaid, and was accompanied by Miss Ivy Grigson, a tiny niece of the bride. Miss Cossart wore a becoming costume of white tucked lawn with insertions of trouchon lace the skirt being made with two circular frills. Her hat, of fine white straw, was trimmed with chiffon and lillies of the valley. Little Miss Ivy Grigson wore a pretty smocked frock, of white washing silk flounced with Valenciennes, and a pretty bonnet of silk and chiffon. Mrs Gough (mother of the bride) wore a handsome gown of black brocade, trimmed with silk Maltese lace, and a bonnet to harmonise. Mrs Cossart (mother of the Bridesgroom) wore a costume of black, brocade ornamented with crewel embroidery; bonnet en suite. The groomsmen were Mr William Cossart, brother of the bridegroom (best man),
and Master Arthur Grigson, a small nephew of the bride.
The presents were numerous, and included several cheques. The bridegroom's gift to the chief bridesmaid was a gold band ring, and to the younger bridesmaid, a true lovers knot broach.
The bride's travelling dress was of a pretty gray and blue checked material, with a vest of tucked blue silk and square sailor collar, trimmed with baby ribbons. Her hat, of rice straw was
trimmed with black chiffon, ostrich tips, and a brilliant buckle.
The honeymoon will be spent at Manly, and Mr. and Mrs. Cossart will in future reside at Toowoomba. The wedding breakfast was given in the dining room at Glencoe, only near relatives being invited. In the evening, Mr and Mrs Gough entertained a large party of friends.
The bridal costume was made by Miss Cassidy. - John Cossart worked as a Mental Nurse in Willowburn Hospital, Toowoomba,for many years. He held a first class Engine Driver's Certificate (steam) and a number of Nursing Certificates. He was a member of the Orange and Rechabite Lodges.
- John Cossart died on 30 June 1934 in Queensland at age 65. He lived in Christmas Street.
- John was buried on 1 July 1934 in Toowoomba & Drayton Cemetery.
- "The Courier Mail" reported on Thursday 4 October 1934 his estate had been probatedJohn Cossart, late of Toowoomba, hospital attendant (realty £589, personally £1122).
Children of John Cossart and Rosana Edith Garton Gough
- Reverend Alexander William Cossart+ b. 13 September 1903, d. 18 July 1955
- Allan Edward Cossart+ b. 10 May 1905, d. 5 January 1971
- Edith Joy Cossart+ b. 19 March 1913, d. 28 December 1985
John Cossart

M, b. 1841, d. 27 April 1914

This photo is thought to be of John and Martha Cossart and their children William, Thomas, Isabella and Agnes. Taken c 1897.
- John Cossart was born in 1841 in Northern Ireland.
- He was the son of Henry Cossart and Mary Walker.
- John Cossart immigrated to Moreton Bay, Australia, in February 1864. with his parents and siblings.
- When the Cossart family moved to their farm at Highfields shortly after arriving in Toowoomba, John lived with them but was employed by the Railway Department in the construction of the railway line from Ipswich to Toowoomba, up the Toowoomba Range. Family heresay is that he later returned to Ireland to bring back Martha French, his girlfriend, but she arrived in Australia in July 1865 having been sponsored by John.
- At the age of 25 years, John Cossart married Martha French on 2 April 1866 in St Luke's School House, Toowoomba, Queensland. John's occupation was given as a butcher of Main Range and Martha's residence as Toowoomba. After their marriage they lived on the Highfields property with Henry and Mary and John's siblings. John and Martha had 11 children: however, it seems that none of their births were officially registered. The dates given in the book " History of the Cossart and Allied Families" have not been verified.
- John Cossart was present at a function on 24 May 1879. Alfred Merritt was the chairman a morning tea held at Albert Mills to farewell Rev R A Bailey of the Primitive Methodist Church. Messers Stone, Case, Cossart and Bailey all spoke. Edward Pechey was unable to attend. Rev Bailey gave his final sermon at the Crow's Nest Court House the following day.
- In 1887 John Cossart was paying rates to the Crow's Nest Shire Council for land at Portion 82, Aubigny Geham, to the Highfields Council - this would be the original land his father Henry selected. The property was used extensively during WWII as a training ground for the Military.
John worked on the farm but also had a team of horses and transported goods from Toowoomba to Highfields, Geham and Pipeclay. - He and Martha French appeared on the Electoral Roll in 1903 living at Cabarlah. John was a farmer.
- On 25 September 1906,his wife, Martha French died in Toowoomba, Queensland. After Martha's death John lived in Toowoomba.
- John Cossart died on 27 April 1914 in Toowoomba, Queensland.
- John was buried on 1 May 1914 in Toowoomba & Drayton Cemetery. His funeral service was conducted by Rev Joseph Lundie.
- The Methodist Church in Crow's Nest erected memorial plaques to early Crow's Nest Pioneers on the Church fence. John's name was amongst them.
Children of John Cossart and Martha French
- Henry James Cossart b. 1 May 1867, d. September 1923
- John Cossart+ b. 2 May 1869, d. 30 June 1934
- Mary Jane Cossart b. 31 July 1871, d. 20 April 1940
- Sarah Ann Cossart+ b. 16 October 1873, d. 10 August 1946
- George Cossart+ b. 9 February 1875, d. 7 February 1936
- Martha Cossart b. 18 November 1877, d. 23 July 1925
- William Cossart+ b. 19 May 1879, d. 21 March 1958
- Thomas Alexander Cossart+ b. 23 June 1881, d. 1 June 1936
- Elizabeth French Cossart+ b. 10 July 1883, d. 27 October 1956
- Isabella Cossart+ b. 8 October 1885, d. 30 January 1968
- Agnes Cossart b. 1888, d. 10 July 1960
John Cossart
M, b. circa 1770
- John Cossart was born circa 1770.
- John Cossart married Unknown Crosthwait on 4 September 1802 in St Andrews, Dublin, Ireland.
- In 1815 That the following advertisement inserted everyday to the 8th September in Saunders and Carricks newspapers -
Harbour of Bullock near to Dun Laoghaire
"The Corporation for preserving and improving the Port of Dublin hereby give notice that they will receive proposals for building a new quay wall, pier, and other improvements of the harbour of Bullock agreeable to the plan, elevation, section and specification to be seen at the Ballast Office each day prior to Wednesday the 9th day of September next after which day no proposals will be received."
The proposals to be sealed up and directed to John Cossart, Esq. Secretary and endorsed "Proposal for building etc. a pier at Bullock".
27th August 1818 By Order
John Cossart, Secretary. - An interesting letter from Belfast Chamber of Commerce dated 28 June 1821 was sent to John Cossart Esq. at the Ballast Office in Dublin, and it read as follows:-
"In consequence of the several losses that have been sustained by Merchant Shipowners and Underwriters, by vessels running on the Skulmartin and the Long Rock, the Chamber of Commerce of this town have to beg that you will be so kind as to lay the (enclosed) chart and the remarks thereon before the Corporation who if they have the power of fixing perches on the rocks there laid down, will by so doing render a most essential service to vessels passing through the Channel. The number of vessels that have struck on these Rocks is greater than Mr Mathews' statement and the Caesar in 1813 was totally lost and not more than about £80,000 saved out of about £120,000 the value of her cargo, and since this chart was made out the Britannia belonging to Messrs Barber & Purdy of your City, was on one of these rocks but got off. Should the Corporation have it in their power to fix perches on these Rocks, I shall be happy to get them any further information."
- J. G., Sec. Chamber of Commerce of Belfast.
John Cossart
M, b. circa 1700
- Charts: Descendants of Thomas Cossart
- John Cossart was born circa 1700. He was a merchant of Dublin.
- He was the son of Samuel Cossart Second and Jane Unknown.
John Cossart Fourth
M, b. 1773, d. 1834
- Charts: Descendants of Thomas Cossart
- John Cossart Fourth was born in 1773 in Cork, County Cork, Ireland.
- He was the son of Pierre Cossart Thirteenth and Elizabeth Roberts.
- At the age of 29 years, John Cossart Fourth married Elizabeth Crosthwait on 4 September 1802 in St Andrew's Church, Dublin.
- In 1813,his wife, Elizabeth Crosthwait died in Ireland. She may have died in childbirth.
- John Cossart Fourth died in 1834.
Children of John Cossart Fourth and Elizabeth Crosthwait
- Anne Cossart Thirteenth b. 1803, d. 1871
- Elizabeth Cossart Tenth b. 1804
- Mary Cossart b. 1806
- Peter Cossart Second+ b. 19 January 1807, d. 19 August 1870
- John Leland Cossart b. 1808
- Margaret Cossart Second b. 1809
- Lucy Cossart b. 1810
- William Cossart Second+ b. 1811
- Susan Cossart b. 1813
John Henry Cossart
M, b. 31 March 1902, d. 20 July 1969

Minnie Cossart nee Shaw (1875-1967) with her four children Jack, Ivy, Ethel and Reginald. Photo courtesy of Rod Chapman
Photograph by Rod Chapman
- John Henry Cossart was born on 31 March 1902 in Queensland.
- He was the son of George Cossart and Minnie Maria Shaw.
- John Henry Cossart was educated at East State School, Toowoomba, He then attended Toowoomba Grammar School before joining his father in the saddlery business. After his father's death John continued the business.
- He attended school in Toowoomba Grammar.
- At the age of 29 years and 7 days, John Henry Cossart married Catherine May Bruce, daughter of Peter Bruce and Catherine Montgomery, on 8 April 1931 in St Andrews Presbyterian Church, West Street, Toowoomba, Queensland. An article on the wedding appeared in "The Courier Mail" on Monday 13 April 1931 COSSART - BRUCE. A picturesque wedding was solemnised at St. Andrew's Church, West Street, Toowoomba, last Wednesday evening. The bridegroom was Mr. John Henry Cossart (elder son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cossart, Campbell Street, Toowoomba) and the bride was Miss Catherine May (Rene) Bruce (third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. Bruce, Cumming-street, Toowoomba). The church was beautifully decorated with white dahlias and palms. Rev. A. M. Martin, assisted by the Rev. John Armour, officiated. Miss Edna M'Naught presided at the organ, and during the signing of the register Miss Lilian George rendered a vocal solo. The bride, who was given away by her father, wore a princess frock of white mariette, with the skirt inset with godets, and the bodice was finished on the shoulder with a spray of lily of the valley. Her Brussels net veil over pale pink tulle was worn Madonna fashion, and she carried a bouquet of white sweet peas and tuberoses. There were two bridesmaids, Misses Ruby Bruce (sister of the bride) and Ivy Cossart (sister of bridegroom), who were frocked alike in eau de Nil mariette made in bolero effect. They wore summer felt hats of the same shade, showing a pink rose under the brim, and they carried bouquets of pink gerberas, sweet peas, and carnations. Mr. R. Cossart was best man, and Mr. V. Marshall groomsman, Mrs. P. Bruce (mother of the bride) chose a frock of black satin and georgette, relieved with amber. She wore a black Baku hat, and carried a bouquet of bronze dahlias. Mrs. G. Cossart (mother of bridegroom) wore a black velour hat, with her frock of black mariette touched with shell pink, and she carried a bouquet of autumn-toned dahlias. At the conclusion of the ceremony a reception was held at the Cafe Alexandra. On leaving for the honeymoon, which will be spent in Sydney, Mrs. Cossart wore an ensemble of navy blue crepe de Chine, and blue velvet beretta.
- On 10 March 1937 the following article appeared in the "The Argus" (Melbourne):- AFTER the expiration of fourteen days from the publication hereof Minnie Maria Cossart, of Campbell Street, Toowoomba, In the State of Queensland, widow, and John Henry Cossart, of Arthur street, Toowoomba aforesaid, saddler, the executrix and executor respectively of the will of GEORGE COSSART, late of Campbell street, Toowoomba aforesaid, saddler, deceased, will APPLY to the Registrar of Probates of the Supreme Court of the State of Victoria that the SEAL of the said Supreme Court may be AFFIXED to the Probate of the will of the said George Cossart, deceased, granted by the supreme Court of the said State of Queensland, on the fifth day of October, 1936, to the said executrix and executor
Dated the first day of March, 1937.
RYLAN & ANDERSON, 70 Elizabeth street, Mel bourne, proctors for the applicants.
Fix thi. - He was a session Clerk at St Stephens Presbyterian church. He was also associated with the Boy Scouts, Temperance Movement, East State School, Toowoomba Bowling Club, Fairholme College, etc. He was also an alderman for the Toowoomba City Council.
- John Henry Cossart died on 20 July 1969 in Toowoomba, Queensland, at age 67.
- John was buried in Garden of Remembrance, Toowoomba.
John Leland Cossart
M, b. 1808
- Charts: Descendants of Thomas Cossart
- John Leland Cossart was born in 1808 in Ireland.
- He was the son of John Cossart Fourth and Elizabeth Crosthwait.
John Cossart Third
M, b. 1721
- Charts: Descendants of Thomas Cossart
- John Cossart Third was born in 1721 in Cork, County Cork, Ireland.
- He was the son of Pierre Cossart Tenth and Elizabeth Perdriau.
- In 1753 he became the Sheriff of Cork.
- At the age of 34 years, John Cossart Third married Margaret Cavendish on 9 November 1755 in St Anne, Dublin, Ireland. John's occupation on the marriage record was given as Esquire.
Children of John Cossart Third and Margaret Cavendish
- Henry Cossart b. circa 1757
- Elizabeth Cossart Eighth b. circa 1760
Joseph Cossart

M, b. 14 November 1843, d. 25 December 1911
- Charts: Descendants of Thomas Cossart (#1), Descendants of Thomas Cossart (#2)
- Timber Industry: Other Timber Workers
- Joseph Cossart was born on 14 November 1843 in Ballyminstra, County Antrim, Ireland.
- He was the son of Henry Cossart and Mary Walker.
- Joseph Cossart joined the Irish Constabulary around 1862. A descendant still possesses Joseph's ebony baton with a bone disc that bears his constabulary number.
- He immigrated to Moreton Bay, Queensland, in February 1864. on the "Flying Cloud" with his parents and siblings.
- On 30 July 1868 the Darling Downs Gazette and General Advertiser published a list of names and donation amounts for the Highfields Testimonial for Mr W H Groom MLA. Joseph's name was on the list having donated 2s/6d.
- On 17 November 1871 William Wilkes and Joseph Cossart were charged with removing timber from a Crown Reserve without have a license. On the 18th they appeared in Court. The Toowoomba Chronicle and Advertiser reported:-"Joseph Cossart and William Wilkes appeared in custody charged with stealing timber, the property of Martin Meldon. Mr. Ocock appeared for the complainant. It appeared from the evidence that Meldon missed some cedar logs from Perseverance Scrub which he claimed as his properly, and saw one of the logs on a dray. He applied for and obtained a search warrant, and on Saturday last he in company with Constable Delamer went to the above scrub, where they saw two drays loaded with cedar In the possession of Joseph Cossart and William Wilkes; of these logs Meldon claimed one on one dray and three on the other as his property. Cossart and Wilkes were apprehended and taken to the Toowoomba lockup, and the drays were also taken into Toowoomba. Meldon, in his evidence before the Court, said he knew the timber was his by a particular mark, that he valued it at £10, that it might have been cut seven or eight months, that he helped to cut the big log with Matthew McDermott, and the other logs with Joe Hoey, Jenkins, and other men. Henry Kahler deposed to cutting timber for Meldon, with other men, seven or eight months ago, and helping to brand the logs in the latter end of April- three of the logs on the dray outside the Courthouse was part of the timber then cut and branded. Matthew McDermott corroborated the evidence of Meldon, and stated the big log outside the Court was one that he helped Meldon to cut six or seven months ago. Matthias Graham deposed: l am a carrier; I employed Cossart and Wilkes to take the timber outside the Court from Perseverance Scrub to Mr Cocks' saw mill to Toowoomba; I helped them to load it, and told them to deliver it at Cocks' yard to my order; the timber was felled by Harry Wynyard over three years ago; his brands were on the timber at the butts of the logs; the butts have been cut off; I purchased the timber from Wynyard about three years ago; I did not see the timber, but he authorised me to take the timber with his brand; I saw his brand on the logs now outside the Court; I saw Meldon and his men cutting the part of the big log now outside the Court on which the brand was; I believe the timber outside the Court to be my property. Cross-examined by Mr. Ocock - I have known Wynyard four or five years; he lived at Highfields when I purchased the timber; he did not deliver an ytimber- he told me to take it; I paid him £1 for the timber; Wynyard did not tell me how many logs he had in the scrub; I saw these logs in the scrub eight or nine months ago; Meldon's men were there at the time-Harry Kahler was one of them; I saw them cutting the butt of the big log and gave them notice not to touch any timber with the WH brand; they cut off the butt; Wynyard is in the colony; I saw him not long ago; he is out of town now; I hold a timber license which I renew half-yearly. The witness was told by the Police Magistrate that he could refuse to answer any question that might incriminate himself. Martin Meldon recalled: I did not fell the tree from which the large log was taken; there Is not a tree standing in the scrub that is any good: I believe they have all been felled over seven years; by cutting the log I mean I cut the tree into lengths fit for removing; I did not cut off any brands to my knowledge; I cut the logs believing them to be the property of the Government and I being duly licensed to cut and remove timber; Graham never cautioned me not to cut off brands; he offered to purchase from me the very timber he now claims. The prisoners were discharged from custody."
- In 1874 Joseph Cossart lived in Pipeclay, Perseverance, Queensland.
- He and Sarah Ann (Annie) Bidgood were of the Primitive Methodist faith.
- On 11 February 1874, 1874 a notice appeared in the "Brisbane Courier" stating that Joseph Cossart's application for 120 acres of land at Crow's Nest had been accepted.
- At the age of 30 years, 8 months and 21 days, Joseph Cossart married Sarah Ann (Annie) Bidgood, daughter of William Bidgood and Sarah Jennings, on 4 August 1874. They were married in William Bidgood's home at Pipeclay, Perseverance. A wedding notice appeared in The Brisbane Courier on 7 August 1874. It stated "COSSART-BIDGOOD -On the 4th August, at the house of Mr. Wm Bidgood, by the Rev. A. Midgley, Joseph second son of Henry and Mary Cossart, of Highfields, to Annie, fourth daughter of William and Sarah Bidgood, of Highfields."
- In 1875 both Joseph and David Cossart worked at the Cameron and Hebbel's Sawmill at Perseverance where they became skilled sawmill hands. They also worked at Duncan Munro's Mill at Geham, Filshie & Broadfoot at Hampton Sawmills (located at Merrits Creek) and Pechey's Mill at Pechey.
- On 24 September 1876,Joseph Cossart's son, Albert Leslie Cossart was born in Pipeclay, Queensland.
- On 18 October 1876,his daughter, Lydia Beatrice Cossart died in Pipeclay, Perseverance, Queensland, at age 1.
- Joseph Cossart was the informant of the death of Henry Cossart on 11 January 1878 in Pipeclay Creek, Highfields, Toowoomba. The death certificate (signed by Joseph Cossart of Pipeclay Creek) showed Henry a 64 year old farmer of Pipeclay Creek. He had been suffering from dysentery and had been attended by Dr Roberts on the 4th January 1878. His parents were given as Joseph Cossart, a cabinet maker and Susan Davidson. He had been born in Ireland and had lived in the Colony for 13 years. He married Mary Walker in Ireland when he was 25 years old and had six living children John 34, Joseph 31, Sarah 22, James 20, David 18 and Mary Ann 16. [The ages are not correct].There was one deceased male.
Joseph was also executor of his father's will and after his death sold the property to the Case family. - Joseph Cossart selected land in Crow's Nest . He was granted a certificate to the 63 acres on Perseverance Creek - Portion 16 (Parish of Crow's Nest)
in 1879. - In 1880 Joseph later became interested in the clay deposits on the banks of Pipeclay Creek and engaged a potter from England to produce among other things flower pots and tea pots. With the potter moving to Brisbane for greener pastures, this venture faded.
- On 21 March 1880,Joseph Cossart's daughter, Florence Annie Grace Cossart was born in Pipeclay, Crow's Nest, Queensland, Australia.
- On 10 November 1880 a fund raising event was held for the ensuing the newly built Perseverance Primitive Methodist Church, which cost £41, excluding gratuitous labour, was opened free of debt. Joseph Cossart acted as steward for the meeting which was chaired by Rev Thomas Thatcher, and attended by Mr Munro, Mr Littleton, Mr Mitchell, Mr Stone, and Mr Merritt. A special thanks went to William Gunter.
- When the Perseverance Creek School was opened in November 1880, the first day pupils were John Ryan, William Diamond, Alf Ernest Bidgood, Miriam Case, Kate Diamond, Rachel Diamond, Ann Hebbel, Margaret Hebbel, Jacob Hebbel, Emily White, Mary Ryan, and George Case. The first head teacher was Thomas Walls and the School Committee consisted of Joseph Cossart (Secretary - his eldest child was only four at the time), Alf Bidgood, John Hebbel, James and John McQuillan.
The following year Alice Brown, Joseph Cronk, John Brown, Edward Brown, Alice Cronk, Minnie Humberdross, Emma Humberdross and John Kynoch were enrolled. - In 1886 Joseph Cossart was paying rates to the Crow's Nest Council, Crow's Nest, on Portion 16, an area of 42 acres.
- On 30 April 1886,Joseph Cossart's daughter, Ethel Maud Cossart was born in Pipeclay, Perseverance, Crow's Nest, Queensland, Australia.
- On 31 March 1888,Joseph Cossart's daughter, Beatrice Kathleen Cossart was born in Pipeclay Creek, Queensland.
- Joseph Cossart and Sarah Ann (Annie) Bidgood moved to Dugandan in 1890. The property at Pipeclay was sold to Annie's brother Alfred (Fred.)
- On 5 September 1893,Joseph Cossart's daughter, Ruby Ileen Cossart was born in Boonah, Queensland.
- On 7 February 1899 an article appeared in the Brisbane Courier regarding the election of both James and Joseph Cossart to the Boonah school commitee. It read "A considerable amount of interest was shown at the triennial election of members of the School Committee here. A large number of parents were assembled, and it was evident that the action of the late committee at the time of the Jubilee school treat in 1897 was more or less found fault with by the majority of those present. Many more than the required number of committee were nominated, with the result that Messrs. James and Joseph Cossart, R. H Nosworthy, S. Dover, W. McLean, and J. Walls headed the poll. The first four of these are new members, the two last-named being the only survivors of the late committee. At a subsequent meeting of the committee Mr. McLean was unanimously chosen as chairman, a position which his previous exertions fully entitle him to."
- In 1899 Joseph Cossart lived in "Babbiloora", New Farm, Brisbane.
- He was the informant of the death of Mary Walker on 12 April 1902 in De Lacy Street, Toowoomba, Queensland. Her son Joseph Cossart of Brisbane ws the informant on the death certificate.It showed Mary was an 80 year old housewife who had suffered cerebral haemorrhage and paralysis for five days before her death. Dr N P Elliott had seen her on the day she died. She had been born in Antrim, Ireland and had been in Queensland for 38 years. Her parents were -- Walker, a farmer and her mother's name was not known. Her marriage to Henry Cossart took place when she was 20 years old. Six children survived her - John, 60, Joseph 55, James 44, Sarah 42, and Annie 38 [Ages are not correct]. There was one deceased male.
- Joseph Cossart died on 25 December 1911 in "Babbiloora", New Farm, Brisbane, Queensland, at age 68. Joseph and Annie's home Babbiloora was likely named for the property on which Annie's family had lived when first arriving in Queensland.
- He was buried on 27 December 1911 in Toowong Cemetery after a funeral service conducted at his home by the Revs. C Martin and R Stewart. He was buried with his baby daughter Lydia who died in 1876.
- The following article appeared in The Courier Mail on 30 December 1911. DEATH OF A PIONEER.
Mr. Joseph Cossart, of Gatton.
On the evening of Christmas Day there passed away at his residence, Babbiloora New Farm, an old resident of Queensland, Mr. Joseph Cossart, late of Gatton. The deceased gentleman was a brother of Mr. John Cossart, of Toowoomba, Mr. James Cossart, of Dugandan, and Mrs Maddern, of Crows Nest. The late Mr. Cossart came to Queensland from County Antrim, North of Ireland, where he was born on November 14, 1840, in company with his father and mother and other members of their family on the ship The Flying Cloud in the year 1864. Soon after the arrival of the Cossart family they went to the Toowoomba district, and were amongst the pioneer settlers upon the lands surrounding the Perseverance Creek. Mr Cossart was engaged nearly the whole of his 47 years' residence in Queensland in connection with the timber industry. Mainly through his instrumentality some of the large milling concerns that have been operating for upwards of 40 years in the Perseverance district were established, as he directed the attention of interested parties to the vast timber resources there. About the year 1890 he removed to the Dugandan district, where he remained for about 11 years. Subsequently, with his son Sidney, he took over the timber milling business at Gatton. About three years ago, on account of the progress of the business, his other three sons Leslie, Percy and Norman, were taken into it. Some months ago his health began to fail rapidly, and on account of this he retired from the business, leaving it to his sons. During the late Mr Cossart's stay in Gatton he took a prominent part in many of the movements for the welfare of the district. He was one of the prime movers and held the position of chairman in connection with the erection of the fine monument in Gatton to the memory of the soldiers who fell in the South African wars. It is interesting to note that two of the late gentleman's sons, Sidney and Percy, were actively engaged in the South fighting campaign, and saw some hard fighting Mr Sidney Cossart is now an active member of the Legion of Frontiersmen in Brisbane. The late Mr Cossart was a man who was highly respected by all who knew him. He was a man of strong personal conviction and led according thereto. He was for many years a layman of the Primitive Methodist Church in the Toowoomba district. During the months of of his sufferings he manifested all those qualities of patience, endurance and faith in a manner consistent with his life and beliefs. He leaves a wife and eight children - four sons and four daughters. His remains were interred at the Toowong Cemetery. The service at the house was conducted by the Rev. C. Martin who assisted by the Rev. R. Stewart, conducted the final offices at the grave."
Children of Joseph Cossart and Sarah Ann (Annie) Bidgood
- Lydia Beatrice Cossart b. 19 April 1875, d. 18 October 1876
- Albert Leslie Cossart+ b. 24 September 1876, d. 1956
- Sidney Joseph Cossart+ b. 24 June 1878, d. April 1954
- Florence Annie Grace Cossart+ b. 21 March 1880, d. 1927
- Percival Nelson Cossart b. 10 February 1882, d. 13 May 1951
- Norman Cecil Cossart+ b. 2 March 1884, d. June 1944
- Ethel Maud Cossart+ b. 30 April 1886, d. 1953
- Beatrice Kathleen Cossart+ b. 31 March 1888, d. 28 June 1974
- Ruby Ileen Cossart+ b. 5 September 1893, d. 1957
Joseph Cossart
M, b. 1788
- Joseph Cossart was born in 1788 in Gracehill, Co Antrim, Northern Ireland.
- He was the son of Dr Christian Frederick Cossart and Ann Gordon.
- Joseph went to school in Dublin. In his late teens he was excluded from Gracehill for 'misbehaviour' [perhaps his early marriage to Susan Davidson]. He lived in Galgorm, and despite pleas to be allowed to visit his widowed mother in the old family house was never re-admitted. When his father died all Joseph received from the will was a feather bed and his wearing apparel. He had numerous descendants but there appears to be none of the Cossart name left in Ireland.
Joseph was however, named as Executor of his mother Ann Gordon's will made in 1830. - Joseph Cossart married Susan Davidson circa 1805.
- When Joseph Cossart's son Henry died in Australia in 1878, Joseph's occupation was given as a carpenter.
- He witnessed the will of Dr Christian Frederick Cossart in February 1818; "I leave to my dear wife that part of my dwelling used by Lydia Athenlack, to be an asylum for her widowhood, and on her death the capital from the house and my estate in Dublin to be divided into four equal share (or five if my son Henry be living in America) share and share alike. To my son Joseph one feather bed and my wearing apparel. To my daughter Sarah Eagleson my stop watch. To Fred Hasse my eiderdown bed. After my decease, my dwelling, out buildings and offices to be disposed to the proprietors of the settlement according to the agreement. After death, my body is to remain uninterred 4-5 days - particularly if that event is occasioned by apoplexy. I direct that my funeral be frugal - a plain deal coffin.
Witnessed by Saml Reiehel, Saml Connnor, Jas Lilly."
Children of Joseph Cossart and Susan Davidson
- Susan Cossart b. circa 1806
- Alexander Cossart b. 1813, d. March 1887
- Henry Cossart+ b. 1814, d. 11 January 1878
- Joseph Cossart b. 1817, d. March 1882
Joseph Cossart
M, b. 1772, d. circa 1788
- Joseph Cossart was born in 1772.
- He was the son of Dr Christian Frederick Cossart and Ann Gordon.
- Joseph Cossart died circa 1788 in Dublin, Ireland. He died at the age of 16 from a "putrid fever" while at school in Dublin.
Joseph Cossart
M, b. 1817, d. March 1882
- Joseph Cossart was born in 1817.
- He was the son of Joseph Cossart and Susan Davidson.
- Between 1848 and 1864 his name appears on a list of Griffiths Valuation of Ireland Index Extracts 1848-1864. He has land at Gloonan, Ahoghill, Co Antrim. He is listed as the Occupier of a house in Gloonan, the Lessor being Rev Robert W Rowan. His brother Alexander held land at Ballykennedy and Gracehill, Ahoghill.
- His death was recorded with the Ballymena, Northern Ireland, Registration District in the March 1882 Quarter. The record shows he was 65 years old at the time of his death.
Judith Cossart
F, b. 12 January 1603, d. 18 February 1684
- Charts: Descendants of Thomas Cossart
- Judith Cossart was born on 12 January 1603 in Rouen, France.
- She was the daughter of Jacques Cossart and Marguerite Toustain.
- At the age of 33 years, 6 months and 4 days, Judith Cossart married Alexis Le Conte on 16 July 1636 in Parish of St. Maclou, Rouen. Alexis was a widower.
- On 4 June 1650,her husband, Alexis Le Conte died.
- Judith Cossart died on 18 February 1684 at age 81.
Children of Judith Cossart and Alexis Le Conte
- Jean Le Conte b. 21 June 1637, d. 5 September 1637
- Judith Le Conte b. 5 September 1637, d. before 1642
- Alexis Le Conte b. 1638, d. 1688
- Judith Le Conte b. 21 April 1642, d. 8 September 1643
- Daniel Le Conte b. 21 January 1645, d. after 1665
Judith Cossart
F, b. 1650
- Charts: Descendants of Thomas Cossart
- Judith Cossart was born in 1650.
- She was the daughter of Bourgeois Jacques Cossart Third and Judith Congnard.
- Judith Cossart married Isaac Le Boulanger circa 1670.
Children of Judith Cossart and Isaac Le Boulanger
- Jacques Le Boulanger b. 1672
- Suzanne Le Boulanger b. 1674
- Pierre Le Boulanger b. 1676
- Judith Le Boulanger b. 1681
- Madeleine Le Boulanger b. 1684
Judith Cossart Fifth
F, b. 1705, d. 1705
- Charts: Descendants of Thomas Cossart
- Judith Cossart Fifth died in 1705 in Rotterdam, Holland.
- She was baptized in 1705 in Rotterdam, Holland.
- She was the daughter of Jean Cossart Nineth and Judith Faneuil.
Judith Cossart Fourth
F, b. 1658
- Charts: Descendants of Thomas Cossart
- Judith Cossart Fourth was born in 1658 in Rouen, France.
- She was the daughter of David Cossart and Marguerite Congnard.
- Judith Cossart Fourth immigrated in 1669 with David Cossart and Marguerite Congnard. David and Marguerite fled to Ireland before the Revocation with their family of seven children and established themselves in Dublin. Another three children were born there.
- Judith Cossart Fourth witnessed the baptism of Solomon Cossart on 15 February 1670 in French Church of Dublin; His sponsors were his uncle Isaac Cossart, cousin David Daussy and elder sister Judith Cossart.
Judith Cossart Second
F, b. 25 January 1637, d. 23 March 1641
- Charts: Descendants of Thomas Cossart
- Judith Cossart Second was born on 25 January 1637 in Rouen, France.
- She was the daughter of Pierre Cossart Third and Marie Baudouyn.
- Judith Cossart Second died on 23 March 1641 in Rouen, France, at age 4.
Judith Cossart Sixth
F, b. 1710
- Charts: Descendants of Thomas Cossart
- Judith Cossart Sixth was baptized in 1710 in Rotterdam, Holland.
- She was the daughter of Jean Cossart Nineth and Judith Faneuil.
Laurence Cossart
M, b. 1544, d. before 1611
- Charts: Descendants of Thomas Cossart
- Laurence Cossart was born in 1544 in Rouen, France.
- He was the son of Sieur de Boscbestre Jehan Cossart and Jacquette Puchot.
- Laurence Cossart married Jehan Le Heurteur circa 1563. They had and one daughter.
- Laurence Cossart died before 1611.
Laurence Cossart
M, b. 1537
- Charts: Descendants of Thomas Cossart
- Laurence Cossart was born in 1537.
- He was the son of Bourgeois Thomas Cossart Second and Anne Baillart.