Joseph Robinson

M, b. 30 May 1836
  • Joseph Robinson was baptized on 30 May 1836 in Alne, Yorkshire.
  • He was the son of Mary Robinson.
  • At the time of the 7 June 1841 census, Joseph Robinson was living in the household of Charles Robinson and Hannah Tessyman in Tollerton, Yorkshire. The census record shows Charles as a Herder, aged 50, born in county, living with his wife Hannah, 40, son Charles 6, and son/grandson Joseph 5.

  • Joseph Robinson appeared on the census of 31 March 1901 in Harrogate, Yorkshire West Riding. Joseph is shown as a 64 year old shoemaker booter.

Eleanor Etta Royes

F, b. circa 1880

Lillian Florence Robinson

F, b. 4 May 1886, d. 31 August 1968
  • Lillian Florence Robinson was also known as Lilley.
  • She was born on 4 May 1886 in Queensland.
  • She was the daughter of William Frederick Robinson and Sarah Ann Kingston.
  • At the age of 23 years, 1 month and 12 days, Lillian Florence Robinson married Frederick William Foster on 16 June 1909 in Queensland.
  • At the age of 59 years, 7 months and 2 days, Lillian Florence Robinson married Ernest Valentine Whittle on 6 December 1945.
  • Lillian Florence Robinson died on 31 August 1968 at age 82.

Louis Robinson

M, b. 1832, d. 1 October 1901
  • Louis Robinson was born in 1832 in Hanover, Germany. He was the son of Phillip Robinson. The surname, at birth, was possibly Rabenzien or Rabenstien.
  • At the age of 31 years, Louis Robinson married Harriet Ladner in 1863 in Victoria.
  • On 9 May 1864 Louis made application for land in the Toowoomba Agricultural Reserve. However, he was later advised his application was unsuccessful. The Brisbane Courier reported "Mr. Groom to ask the Secretary for Lands and Works,-(I.) Whether he is aware that on the 9th May last, application was made by Messrs. O'Doherty, M'Grath, and Hanraghan, to the Land Agent, Toowoomba, under the 5th clause of the Amended Agricultural Reserves Act of 1863, for the purchase of 80 acres of land, and The lease of 240 acres, on the Toowoomba Agricultural Reserve, and that they deposited with the Land Agent £87 15s.? That on the 10th May, a similar application was made by Messrs. John and Patrick Shannon, and a like sum deposited with the Land Agent, and that on the same day, a Like application was made by Mr. Louis Robinson, and an equal sum deposited with the Land Agent? (2.) Is he aware that at the time these deposits were made, the parties in question were informed by the Land Agent that the lands purchased could at once be occupied, and that, in accordance with his advice, the parties named commenced to improve the said lands, and have spent a considerable amount in clearing and preparing fencing material ? (3.) Is he also aware that on the 1st August, after a lapse of nearly three months, during which period the parties remained occupying and improving their respective portions of land for which they had deposited their money, they were verbally informed that their various applications were one and all refused? (4.) Is there any objection to state the grounds on which these applications were refused, and what was the cause of delay in forwarding notice of refusal? (5.) Is it the intention of the Government to comply with the requirements of the district by surveying and throwing open for selection he unsurveyed portions of the Drayton and Toowoomba Agricultural Reserves?”.
  • Louis Robinson's son William Louis Robinson was born on 31 May 1864 in Queensland. His birth was announced in The Darling Downs Gazette "At Burnside, Toowoomba, on the 31st May, "Mrs. Louis Robinson of a son."
  • On 3 December 1864 William Stranks charged Louis Robinson with detaining a bullock, complainant's property. Defendant was ordered to give up the bullock, and pay costs, amounting to £2 9s.6d.

  • Louis Robinson's daughter, Emily Jane Robinson was buried in Janefield, Merritt's Creek. She was buried under a tree at the top of the hill. A plaque was placed on the tree by Harriet and Lous' descendants in 1997.
  • In 1872 Louis made his 4th payment on his selections (Portions 234, 233, 220, 242 - 154 acres). He also aquired portions 242 and 219 at some stage.
  • On 2 August 1873 his name appeared in The Darling Downs Gazette. He was a supporter of the election of E W Pechey as member for the District of Aubigny.
  • A Louis Robinson was naturalised in 1874 in Queensland. This may not be the correct Louis.
  • On 20 November 1875 Notice that a Certificate of Fulfilment of selection conditions was issued to Louis for 62 acres of pastoral land at Geham (registered number 602.)
  • On 13 February 1877 He was a member of the jury when Edward Wilson and John Walst were tried for stealing from John Gillam, publican of Spring Creek.
  • On 16 June 1877 The Toowoomba Chronicle listed members of a committee intending to hold a meeting at Drysdales Hotel in Crow's Nest that afternoon, and another at Geham State School on the following Monday "purpose of urging upon the Government the necessity of exnding the Railway Line from the proposed Stationary Engine at Highfields to Crow's Nest" The names listed were J W de Grouchy JP, J T Littleton JP, Charles Cocks, Duncan Munroe, George Say, Louis Robinson, Alfred Merritt, Michael Tansey, John Macquire, John Dennis, Michael Purtell, Edward Robinson, John Cossart, John Welsh.
  • On 30 January 1879 The Toowoomba Chronicle listed Louis amongst the nominators of Thomas Perkins as the Member for Aubigny.
  • On 3 January 1880 he was appointed trustee of the Geham Cemetery Reserve.
  • On 17 October 1882 he was appointed a magistrate.
  • On 12 July 1884 he was nominated as a candidate for Subdivision 2 of the Highfields Divisional Board and was duly elected but only served one year before resigning.
  • He was living at Merritts Creek at the time of the marriage of his son William Louis Robinson on 2 March 1887 in Queensland to Jane Ann Beer. They were married at her residence in Toowoomba. Jane died on 26 Dec 1896 at her residence, Clare Cottage, Lutwyche. William was an employee of the Electric Telegraph Department at the time. There were 5 children. They lived in a number of places Maryborough, Brisbane.
  • On 1 January 1890 The Darling Downs Gazette reported " A little girl, the daughter of Mr. Louis Robinson of Merritt Creek, whilst returning home from a picnic on Thursday, was riding 'double-bank ' with another girl of the same age.The horse going too fast, they both fell off, Miss Robinson dislocating her wrist very badly. We understand the limb has been set and she is doing favorably."
  • Louis Robinson died on 1 October 1901 in Queensland.
  • Louis was buried on 2 October 1901 in Cabarlah Cemetery. UNIT-00B-0007.
  • On 12 October 1901 Louis Robinson's obituary appeared in The Toowoomba Chronicle. It read:- "MR. LOUIS ROBINSON, OF GEHAM. AN OLD AND HIGHLY RESPECTED RESIDENT.
    Quite a shadow was cast over the district last week when it became known that on October 1st, one of the very oldest residents in the person of Mr Louis Robinson, of Janefield, had passed to rest. The deceased gentleman was born in Hanover, Germany, in April, 1832, but at the early age of 15 years being attracted by the inducements of that go-ahead city. Now York, he decided to leave home and try his fortunes m the new world. Though entirely unacquainted with the people and language, he fought his way in that busy and populous city, and soon acquired knowledge of its business life.
    But in 1852 the news of Victoria's hidden wealth offered such attraction that he determined, being now in the full vigour of youth, to share the lot of the gold-digger. During a period of 10 years he became acquainted with the varying experiences of the miner's life. His time was spent chiefly around Ballarat, Maryborough and Ararat, the last named of which he became acquainted with the lady, who afterwards became his wife and who for 39 years has been his faithful partner, and who now in confidence of a future meeting has laid him to rest.
    In 1863 the deceased, with his wife, visited Sydney and Brisbane. The latter place was at that time, in a very uncitylike condition, it being no rare thing to see bullock teams bogged in some of the principal streets. Just at this time the Darling Downs was becoming renowned both for its fertility and climate, and this place the deceased gentleman desired to visit, but the journey up tho Range had to be undertaken in a very primitive style, a horse-dray being the only available conveyance. Here the aspect was of such a pleasing nature that this district was at once decided upon as a future home.
    Toowoomba was as yet in the early stages of its settlement, a few old fashioned houses, and the remainder white tents, being the only places of residence. After gaining a few years experience in agricultural life, the deceased selected land at Merritts Creek, and here made the home which he had up till his death occupied, and where his family of four boys and four girls were all reared.
    Since his residence in the district be has always been closely associated with church work, and with a few others of the pioneers, greatly assisted the establishment of the Methodist cause, which at present flourishes there. For some twelve years he held the positions of Church Steward and Sunday School Superintendant, but of late, owing to increased infirmity, was compelled to delegate these offices to others. Right up till his decease he always manifested a keen interest in matters religious, and all church workers found a shelter beneath his hospitable roof, and an inspiration from his society. Till about three weeks ago he was in his usual health, but apparently be was seized by a severe cold, -and, though everything possible was done by his medical adviser, pneumonia developed, and he passed quietly away on Tuesday at noon, surrounded by all his family except, one son, who arrived an hour too late to see him breath his last.
    For some weeks prior to his death the deceased gentleman was greatly depressed owing to
    the sad news of the death of his son in South Africa from the same cause as that which was soon to carry him over to his long and peaceful home.
    The funeral took place on Wednesday, October 2nd, and though the notice was too brief to allow the attendance of many distant friends, the large and representative procession, as also the beautiful floral tributes, testified (o the very high esteem in which the deceased was held. He had ever been devoted to the cause of education, and a beautiful cross and wreath, arranged by the teachers and scholars of the Merrill's Creek State School, bore testimony to the respect with which the deceased was regarded by some of those whom he had sought to benefit."
  • Probate for his estate was granted to his wife Harriet on 25 January 1902. He left an estate of £1,803.

Children of Louis Robinson and Harriet Ladner

Louisa Robinson

F, b. March 1870, d. March 1881
  • Louisa Robinson was born in March 1870 in Great Ouseburn.
  • She was the daughter of Robert Robinson and Elizabeth Smith.
  • Her death was recorded with the Great Ouseburn Registration District in the March 1881 Quarter.

Margaret Robinson

F, b. 6 July 1875, d. 3 July 1944
  • Margaret Robinson was born on 6 July 1875.
  • She was the daughter of Edward Robinson and Mary Ann McCaul.
  • Margaret Robinson died on 3 July 1944 in Toowoomba at age 68.

Martha Robinson

F, b. circa 1810
  • Martha Robinson was born circa 1810.
  • Martha Robinson married William McCulloch circa 1850.

Children of Martha Robinson and William McCulloch

Mary Robinson

F, b. 19 November 1854, d. 5 April 1917

Mary Gillies (nee Robinson) c 1907.
  • Mary Robinson was born on 19 November 1854 in York, Yorkshire, England.
  • She was the daughter of James Robinson and Elizabeth Dixon.
  • At the time of the 7 April 1861 census, Mary Robinson was living in the household of James Robinson and Elizabeth Dixon in Micklegate, York. James is shown as a 44 year old labourer, born Tollerton, living with his wife Elizabeth 34, born Pickering and children Jane 12, Elizabeth 10, Ann 8, Mary 6 and William 4 born in York.

  • Mary Robinson immigrated on 8 December 1865 to Brisbane, Queensland, with James Robinson. James and Elizabeth travelled on the Queen of the South with their 5 children, Jane 17, Elizabeth 15, Ann 13, Mary 10 and William aged 3. The ship left London on 2 September 1865 and arrived in Brisbane on the 8 December 1865. The Captain was Captain J Purvis and the surgeon GJ Wood.
  • In 1876 he was Assistant Housekeeper.
  • At the age of 22 years and 1 day, Mary Robinson married Francis Gillies, son of Thomas Bridgeman and Jane Eyles, on 20 November 1876. The ceremony was held at the bridegrooms parent's house (that of Jane and William Gillis) at Gowrie Little Plain near Meringandan. Frank's occupation was a farmer, Mary's assistant housekeeper. He was 25 and she was 22 and both gave their usual residence as Meringandan. When Frank signed the marriage register he signed his name a GILLIES instead of Gillis. The transcript of the marriage shows his parents, who witnessed the marriage, as William and Jane GILLIES also. Frank and his descendants have used that spelling ever since. Family hearsay has it that perhaps because Frank was not William's child but Thomas Bridgemans he deliberately changed his name.
  • On 9 January 1881,Mary Robinson's daughter, Rose Elizabeth Gillies was born in Crow's Nest, Queensland. Her birth registration states her father was a 35 year old carrier born Maitland NSW (this information is incorrect. The details belong to the next birth registered that of Ellen Caroline Brown - daughter of Edward Brown). Her parents were married 22 May 1876 (incorrect) at Meringandan Downs and her mother was formerly Robinson born York, England aged 26 years. The informant was Francis Gillies of Crow's Nest and witness to the birth Mrs Robinson.
  • On 27 May 1885,Mary Robinson's daughter, Jessie Jane Gillies was born in Geham, Queensland. Frank was a 33 year old labourer at Geham at the time of Jessie's birth. A Mrs Nelder was the nurse present at the birth, most likely Frank's sister Jane or her mother in law.
  • Just when Frank and his family moved to Emu Creek is unclear. James Herbert was born in Crows Nest in 1887, but John Thomas was born in Emu Creek in 1889. Frank and Mary's four children, William, Rose, Frank & Jessie were enrolled in the Crow's Nest School until 1892. Mary may have stayed in Crows Nest with the children until Frank had cleared the block at Djuan (Emu Creek) and built a house. In August 1882, the education department had proposed a school be built at Bum Bum Creek. Frank & Mary's five eldest children including Herbert were listed as potential students. This school was never built. However, a school was built near Frank's property around 1892. This was the Moss View School, and several of the the Gillies children would be in this photo - perhaps Walter (13), Jessie (11), and James Herbert (9). Alice may have been too young. Other children in the photo would be Orlando (12) and Egbert (9) Maddern.
    Mossview school March 19, 1896. Both Maddern and Gillies children attended the school which was on land donated by Frank Gillies.
  • On 21 January 1890 Mary was staying at Ebenezer with her parents at the time their sixth child, John Thomas died at the age of six months.
  • Mary Robinson and Francis Gillies appeared on the Electoral Roll in 1903 living at Djuan. Francis was a farmer. Their son William Donald, a teamster was also living at Djuan.
  • In 1907 Frank and Mary had a family portrait taken with their seven children William Donald, Rose Elizabeth, Francis Walter, Jessie Jane, James Herbert, Alice Ann and Catherine Agnes.
    Back Row L-R: Jessie Jane, James Herbert (Herbert), Francis Walter, Alice Ann,
    Front Row L-R: Frank snr, Rose Elizabeth, William Donald, Mary. Taken 1907
  • Mary Robinson and Francis Gillies appeared on the Electoral Roll in 1908 living at Hopefield, Djuan. Frank was a farmer and Mary carried out home duties. Jessie Jane also lived with them and carried out home duties. William Donald and Walter Francis were also listed as farmers at Hopefield.
  • Mary Robinson died on 5 April 1917 in St Denis Hospital, James Street, Toowoomba, Queensland, at age 62. She died from heart disease, chronic nephritis and syncope.
  • Mary was buried on 7 April 1917 in Crow's Nest, Queensland. Mary and Frank's gravestone reads-
    Sacred to the memory of Mary gillies who died april 3rd 1917 aged 62 years and also her beloved husband frank gillies died 11th october 1925 aged 77 years.
    Gravestone of Frank and Mary (nee Robinson) Gillies - Crows Nest Cemetery.

Children of Mary Robinson and Francis Gillies

Mary Robinson

F, b. 8 December 1814
  • Mary Robinson was christened on 8 December 1814 in Alne, near Tollerton, Yorkshire.
  • She was the daughter of Charles Robinson and Hannah Wright.

Child of Mary Robinson

Mary Robinson

F, b. 1765
  • Mary Robinson was born in 1765.

Child of Mary Robinson

Mary Ann Robinson

F, b. 1870, d. 15 December 1936
  • Mary Ann Robinson was born in 1870 in Queensland.
  • She was the daughter of Edward Robinson and Mary Ann McCaul.
  • At the age of 24 years, Mary Ann Robinson married John Kynoch, son of David Kynoch and Margaret Reimen/Raymond, in 1894 in Queensland.
  • Mary Ann Robinson and John Kynoch appeared on the Electoral Roll in 1903 living at Ravensbourne. He was a butcher.
  • Mary Ann Robinson and John Kynoch appeared on the Electoral Roll in 1909 living at Ravensbourne. John was a butcher.
  • Mary Ann Robinson and John Kynoch appeared on the Electoral Roll in 1913 living at Ravensbourne. John was a butcher.
  • Mary Ann Robinson and John Kynoch appeared on the Electoral Roll between 1921 and 1930 living at Perseverance. John was a butcher.
  • Mary Ann Robinson died on 15 December 1936 in Queensland.
  • Mary was buried on 16 December 1936 in Cabarlah Cemetery. RC1-00E-0010.

Child of Mary Ann Robinson and John Kynoch

Matilda Kate Robinson

F, b. 2 February 1881, d. 9 February 1985
  • Matilda Kate Robinson was born on 2 February 1881 in Queensland.
  • She was the daughter of Louis Robinson and Harriet Ladner.
  • At the age of 30 years, Matilda Kate Robinson married Thomas Knight Kynoch, son of Thomas Knight Cochrane and Catherine Frances Ambrose, in 1912 in Queensland.
  • Matilda Kate Robinson and Thomas Knight Kynoch appeared on the Electoral Roll between 1913 and 1949 living at Perseverance. Thomas was a grazier.
  • On 5 September 1954,her husband, Thomas Knight Kynoch died in Queensland at age 77. His parents were given as David Kynock and Margaret Raymond on his Death Registration.
  • Matilda Kate Robinson died on 9 February 1985 at age 104.
  • Matilda was buried on 12 February 1985 in Drayton & Toowoomba Cemetery. METH5-003-0025.

Matilda Patience Robinson

F, b. 4 September 1882, d. 1 April 1883
  • Matilda Patience Robinson was born on 4 September 1882 in Townsville, Queensland.
  • She was the daughter of William Frederick Robinson and Sarah Ann Kingston.
  • Matilda Patience Robinson died on 1 April 1883 in Queensland.

Melville Robinson

M, b. 24 May 1896, d. 22 May 1985

Miriam Robinson

F, b. 20 August 1876, d. 17 July 1968
  • Miriam Robinson was born on 20 August 1876 in Queensland.
  • She was the daughter of Louis Robinson and Harriet Ladner.
  • At the age of 22 years, 1 month and 2 days, Miriam Robinson married George Enoch Brotherton on 22 September 1898 in Queensland. They lived in Toowoomba and has six children.
  • Miriam Robinson died on 17 July 1968 in Queensland at age 91.
  • Miriam was buried on 19 July 1968 in Drayton and Toowoomba Cemetery. CE19-24-019-0027.

Rhoda Elizabeth Robinson

F, b. 1887, d. 1976
  • Rhoda Elizabeth Robinson was born in 1887 in Queensland.
  • She was the daughter of William Robinson and Rhoda Ann Randall.
  • At the age of 23 years, Rhoda Elizabeth Robinson married Edward Wright in 1910 in Queensland.
  • Rhoda Elizabeth Robinson died in 1976 in Queensland.

Children of Rhoda Elizabeth Robinson and Edward Wright

Robert Robinson

M, b. 1845
  • Robert Robinson was born in 1845 in Tollerton, Yorkshire.
  • His marriage, at 24 years, to Elizabeth Smith, daughter of William Smith, was registered in the March 1869 Quarter in Stockton, Durham Registration District. Stockton District includes Stillington village.
  • Robert Robinson and Elizabeth Smith appeared on the census of 3 April 1881 in Tollerton. Robert (Jnr) is shown as a 35 year old ag labourer born Tollerton, living with his wife Elizabeth 40 also born Tollerton and their 6 year old son Herbert born Tollerton.
  • Robert Robinson appeared on the census of 31 March 1901 in Tollerton, Yorkshire. Robert is shown as a 55 year old agricutlural labourer.

Children of Robert Robinson and Elizabeth Smith

Robert Robinson

M, b. circa 1915, d. circa 1942

Robert Robinson

M, b. 17 July 1893, d. 26 February 1964

Robert Robinson

M, b. 3 December 1812
  • Robert Robinson was born on 3 December 1812 in Alne, Yorkshire.
  • He was the son of Charles Robinson and Hannah Wright.
  • Robert Robinson was baptized on 6 December 1812 in Alne, Yorkshire.
  • Robert Robinson married Hannah Unknown circa 1834.
  • Robert Robinson and Hannah Unknown appeared on the census of 7 June 1841 in Carle H, Alne. Robert was 29, as was his wife Hannah, their children John 5, William 4 and Robert 2 were living with them.

Children of Robert Robinson and Hannah Unknown

Robert Robinson

M, b. 1839
  • Robert Robinson was born in 1839.
  • He was the son of Robert Robinson and Hannah Unknown.
  • At the time of the 7 June 1841 census, Robert Robinson was living in the household of Robert Robinson and Hannah Unknown in Carle H, Alne. Robert was 29, as was his wife Hannah, their children John 5, William 4 and Robert 2 were living with them.

Robert Charles Robinson

M, b. 15 September 1858, d. 10 May 1921
  • Robert Charles Robinson was born on 15 September 1858.
  • He was the son of Edward Robinson and Mary Ann McCaul.
  • Robert Charles Robinson died on 10 May 1921 at age 62.

Ruth Robinson

F, b. circa 1905

Sarah Robinson

F, b. 1879

Sidney Robinson

M, b. March 1926, d. 11 December 1969
  • Sidney Robinson's birth was registered in the an unknown place , an unknown place Registration District in the March 1926 Quarter.
  • He was the son of Herbert Robinson and Harriet Mothersdale.
  • At the age of 21 years and 2 months, Sidney Robinson married Marjorie Bradley on 27 May 1947 in Barkston Ash.
  • Sidney Robinson died on 11 December 1969 in Wharfdale at age 43.

Sidney Herbert Robinson

M, b. circa 1880
  • Sidney Herbert Robinson was born circa 1880.
  • Sidney Herbert Robinson married Mary Ellen McAuliffe in 1903 in Queensland.

Child of Sidney Herbert Robinson and Mary Ellen McAuliffe

Tesseyman Robinson

M, b. June 1867, d. June 1921
  • Tesseyman Robinson's birth was registered in the Yorkshire, an unknown place Registration District in the June 1867 Quarter.
  • He was the son of Charles Robinson and Elizabeth Smith.
  • Tesseyman Robinson appeared on the census of 3 April 1881 in Tollerton. Tesseyman is shown as a 13 year old farm labourer (indoors)born Tollerton working for a farmer James Swales and his wife Bella.

  • He married either Eliza Ellis or Laura Hague in March 1890 in Bradford, Yorkshire.
  • He appeared on the census of 31 March 1901 in Ossett, Yorkshire. Tesseyman is shown as a 33 year old domestic groom.

  • His marriage to either Martha Elizabeth Moorhouse or Ethel North Flectcher was registered in the June 1901 Quarter in the Dewbury Registration Distict.
  • His death was recorded with the Newcastle Upon Tyne, Northumberland, Registration District in the June 1921 Quarter.

Thomas Robinson

M, b. 6 January 1877, d. 28 May 1946
  • Thomas Robinson was born on 6 January 1877 in Queensland.
  • He was the son of Edward Robinson and Mary Ann McCaul.
  • At the age of 24 years and 13 days, Thomas Robinson married Eleanor Etta Royes on 19 January 1901.
  • Thomas Robinson died on 28 May 1946 in Queensland at age 69.
  • Thomas was buried on 29 May 1946 in Cabarlah Cemetery.      RC1-00E-0007.

William Robinson

M, b. 1857, d. 27 June 1900
  • William Robinson was born in 1857 in York, Yorkshire. William was 3 at the time he immigrated. (Compilers Note: may have been a transcript error on immigration records -William may have been 8 not 3 years old OR perhaps a second child named William was born in 1862.)
  • He was the son of James Robinson and Elizabeth Dixon.
  • At the time of the 7 April 1861 census, William Robinson was living in the household of James Robinson and Elizabeth Dixon in Micklegate, York. James is shown as a 44 year old labourer, born Tollerton, living with his wife Elizabeth 34, born Pickering and children Jane 12, Elizabeth 10, Ann 8, Mary 6 and William 4 born in York.

  • William Robinson immigrated on 8 December 1865 to Brisbane, Queensland, with James Robinson. James and Elizabeth travelled on the Queen of the South with their 5 children, Jane 17, Elizabeth 15, Ann 13, Mary 10 and William aged 3. The ship left London on 2 September 1865 and arrived in Brisbane on the 8 December 1865. The Captain was Captain J Purvis and the surgeon GJ Wood.
  • At the age of 29 years, William Robinson married Rhoda Ann Randall on 16 December 1886.
  • William Robinson died on 27 June 1900 in Queensland.
  • William was buried in Ipswich Cemetery. Congregational B, Grave number 6574.

Children of William Robinson and Rhoda Ann Randall

William Robinson

M, b. circa 1820
  • William Robinson was born circa 1820.
  • William Robinson married Mary Kefpzyt circa 1850.

Child of William Robinson and Mary Kefpzyt